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Why B2B Fintech Explainers Need a Creative Makeover

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Why B2B Fintech Explainers Need a Creative Makeover
Jack Whitehead
Why B2B Fintech Explainers Need a Creative Makeover


  1. ToC Link

We work with a lot of B2B fintechs on their video content. And I mean A LOT. 

Fintech is a very broad church, and it’s no surprise that we end up encountering vastly different products, from different ends of the market, all with different challenges and goals. 

But what is surprising is what so many have in common.

You’ve heard this story before, but not like this

We've noticed that a lot of B2B fintechs share a real hesitation when it comes to bold creative.

But it’s not like these fintechs don’t have unique brands or propositions.

A lot of them do.

In many cases, they’ve developed really sophisticated brand identities. Identities that could keep up with the best B2C brands out there.

So what’s going wrong?

While fintechs often excel at communicating complex, technical information, they frequently shy away from creating attention-grabbing visuals.

There’s a fear that the concepts won’t be understood unless they are visualised literally. 

Worse still, there’s a sense that the video won’t convert in the way it’s meant to.

Now let's pause for a moment to say that it's of course important to aid understanding.

It wouldn’t be much of an explainer if it didn’t show how the product works and what it does.

But here’s the catch: if you want to educate, you first need to engage.

They say that in a crowded marketplace, getting noticed is half the battle. I’d go further and suggest that getting noticed is more like 70/80% of the battle.

Catching someone’s eye is the first step to earning their attention

Without that, you haven’t got much of a chance.

What does this look like in practice?

The misconception is that injecting creativity into B2B content somehow dilutes the messaging.

In a lot of fintech video content, there’s an overreliance on excessively literal illustrations and representations:

  • How will the audience understand what a payment is unless we show a coin moving from one bank account to another? 
  • It only looks like a cross-border payment if there’s a world map.
  • It’s not an API-data exchange unless we show code going from one server to another.

Sure, these visualisations are clear and can’t be misunderstood or misinterpreted.

But at what cost?

Well your audience might just click away out of boredom.

And if they don’t, then they’re still much less likely to find that the product resonates if it isn’t wrapped up in a creative envelope that they haven’t encountered before.

What is the better approach?

If you’re trying to communicate everything technical about your product in a 2 minute video, you’re doing it wrong.

There are frankly better places to go into this detail, places that are more suited to longer explanations of features and benefits.

Likewise, there are better ways to play to the strengths of the video medium than just animating your product copy in video form.

What happens when you deprioritise the literal, and accentuate the abstract?

What happens when you let the voiceover do the selling for you, and use the visuals to inspire and engage?

This approach doesn’t mean sacrificing substance; it means amplifying it in a way that sticks with your audience.

And that stickiness is key.

In the UK, the average person watches about 4 hours and 31 minutes of TV and video content daily.

So you need to be memorable. 

And you need to keep them watching. Especially if you’re trying to optimise your product page for conversion and reduce the bounce rate. 

Make creativity your competitive advantage

You first need to be creative to grab someone’s attention.

Then you need to make sure that your video appeals to the viewer on an emotional level, and not just an informational one.

The fintech space is evolving rapidly, with new innovations constantly emerging. The marketing supporting these innovations should evolve, too.

In a world full of information, creativity is your competitive advantage.

So why not use it?

We’re firm believers that engaging product explainers are the best way to increase the conversion rate of your product pages.

If you’d like help creating a killer animation for your fintech, or you’d like to talk to us about getting started, or even want some help in where your video fits within a wider marketing strategy, reach out to us.

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Why B2B Fintech Explainers Need a Creative Makeover
Jack Whitehead

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